The Gerby project

online tag-based view for large LaTeX documents

The following are the (somewhat) detailed instructions to running your local copy of the Stacks project.


First you need to install a modified version of plasTeX. We assume that you are using Python 3 by default, change accordingly if that is not the case. Perform the following in the location where you want to install plasTeX:

  1. git clone
  2. cd plastex
  3. git checkout gerby
  4. pip install .

The following is only required if you have a complicated bibliography containing mathematical expressions in the titles, and can be safely skipped. Perform the following steps where you want to install pybtex.

  1. git clone
  2. wget
  3. cd pybtex
  4. git apply ../no-protected-in-math-mode.patch
  5. pip install .

Now we can run plasTeX on the Stacks project’s LaTeX code. Perform the following steps where you want to place the Stacks project.

  1. git clone
  2. mkdir WEB
  3. cd stacks-project
  4. echo yes | python2 scripts/
  5. make web
  6. cd ../WEB
  7. plastex --renderer=Gerby book.tex

If all went well, you now have a directory called WEB/book/ containing several tens of thousands small HTML files, and files named book.paux and tags inside WEB/.

Importing tags

The next step is to install Gerby, and import the result from the previous step into the database.

  1. git clone
  2. cd gerby-website/gerby/static
  3. git clone
  4. cp jquery-bonsai/jquery.bonsai.css css/
  5. cd ../../
  6. pip install .

The following is only necessary if you use xypic, as is the case for the Stacks project.

  1. cd gerby-website/gerby/static
  2. git clone
  3. sed -i -e 's@\[MathJax\]@/static/XyJax@' XyJax/extensions/TeX/xypic.js

We can now import things into the database. The Python script for this is found in gerby-website/gerby/tools/, and the configuration in gerby-website/gerby/ needs to make the files tags and book.paux, and the book/ directory known to this script. With the default configuration, this is done by creating the following softlinks from within gerby-website/gerby/tools:

  1. ln -s ../../../WEB/book stacks
  2. ln -s ../../../WEB/book.paux stacks.paux
  3. ln -s ../../../WEB/tags stacks.tags

Assuming Gerby is now correctly configured to read the output of plasTeX, it suffices to run the following.

  1. python

Running the website

Having done all this, running the website should be easy. This is assuming you have installed all the dependencies. You might have to install quite a few Python packages, but they can all be easily pip install‘d. Perform the following steps in gerby-website/gerby

  1. export FLASK_APP=gerby
  2. flask run

Now you have a website which you can access via localhost:5000.